Historically, people from the land of Indian sub-continent (now Pakistan) immigrated to Canada as early as the 18th century. The Pakistanis started working in the agriculture, logging, and mining sectors of British Colombia.
In late 1950's and early 1960's, a small number of Pakistanis immigrated to Canada. A few Pakistanis moved in Manitoba in early 1960's.
Winnipeg was the main destination of these Pakistanis.
In early 1960's, these Pakistani immigrants were not much in numbers and could be counted on finger-tips. But they formed Association of Pakistani Canadians (APC) Inc., Manitoba, in 1965 to show their unity, cooperation and development process in the community.
However APC was registered as nonprofit social and cultural organization in 1971. Almost after 50 years, the number of Pakistani immigrants in Manitoba has turned into 5100.
The Association of Pakistani Canadians is the representative organization of Pakistani community in Manitoba. APC has a Pakistan centre on 348 Ross Avenue, down town Winnipeg MB.
Currently, APC is running different projects and programs to mobilize the community for co-existence with their socio-cultural and religious values in the multi-cultural fabric of Canada. Among various activities that the APC provides to Pakistani Canadians, following are worth-mentioning.

  • Welcoming to new Pakistani immigrants and providing then home-like feeling and help in successfully settling down in Manitoba
  • Arranging families get-togethers' for their interactions with dinners and BBQs
  • Organizing sports and recreational activities for the youth and the kids
  • Conducting cultural and religious teaching and coaching classes and organizing conferences and seminars in this connection
  • Celebrating different national, cultural, and religious events throughout the year such as: Pakistan day, Canada day, Eid celebrations
  • Improving communication & relationship among community members and bringing other cultures closer to Pakistani culture

APC's main objective is to unite and mobilize the dynamic Pakistani community; promote the cultural and religious values in the current and next generation; ease them in exploring the rich opportunities in Canada for their betterment and prosperity and ultimately, for their vital and positive role in developing the Canadian society and economy